
We Are a Worshipping Church - Seeking His Presence More and More
We are a worshipping Church. Glorifying God in all of life with joy and thanksgiving. We understand the value and importance of prayer and praise. We know we continually need His presence and power in our midst and we seek this.

We are a Discipling Church
We are a discipling Church. Building each other up in the faith through prayer, fellowship and Bible teaching. We want to see everyone grow mature, useful and fruitful in Christ. We are learners from The Lord day by day.

We are a Serving Church
We are a serving Church. Seeking to reach out to others in our personal lives and community with the gospel and the love of the greatest servant of all Jesus Christ. God loves people and He calls us to do the same.
Castlederg Christian Fellowship
Castlederg Christian Fellowship was planted by Pastor Mark Taggart (LL.B) on a Sunday Morning 3 December 2017 after numerous clear directions from the Lord to do so. Pastor Mark at 25 years old received the call of God upon his life “to preach and teach the word of God” in an early morning Friday prayer meeting on 24th March 2006. On that morning Isaiah 58 was a chapter that God brought to his attention and it has been so key at every turn since! How we need ministry in the Word that is “like a spring of water, whose waters fail not” and how we need to be emboldened by the Holy Spirit to “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet!”.
However it took over a decade for the Lord to work out in his life what He had called Mark to do by His Spirit.
In the mean time Pastor Mark studied Law at Queens University Belfast, a Legal Practice Course at Nottingham Trent University and practised Law as a Solicitor in London for a number of years. He was still on a spiritual roller coaster himself these years, having become a Christian relatively recently at 20 years old from a Catholic background,- and so God was dealing with Him in many ways (and still is).
However God had a plan,- and after clear direction Mark planted Castlederg Christian Fellowship in 2017 with his wife Niamh and two children supporting him!
Although the church is yet very young here God has already been so faithful in that many people have come to know and love the Lord through the ministry here and many have been built up and edified in their faith! God has also been faithful in bringing along people who love Jesus and are willing to serve Him. When we opened the door in Castlederg on the first Sunday morning we were opening with a number of 4 people in total that we knew would be there (Mark, Marks wife Niamh and their two children!).
However God moved peoples hearts to partner in the ministry and brought along our Worship Leader James Goldie and his family on that very first morning! James and his wife Gillian have been such a support these past years and a blessing to all who attend.
We thank God for people using their spiritual gifts for Gods glory!
Everyone involved here is excited to see what God will do in the years to come.
We believe Him for more. We expect more. We pray for more. We believe He has promised us more.
It would be so great if you chose to visit us – and join in with what God is doing and planning to do here in this needy region of the nation.
May The Lord save, bless and keep you all as you put your trust in Jesus alone.
“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.”
Isaiah 58:8-9
• We are a Non Denominational Christian Church serving our community.
• We seek to provide a New Testament church fellowship that is truly open for all the community in Castlederg and the surrounding area to come and feel welcome and to grow in their love and knowledge of God.
• We are a Church committed to prayer and to Christ centred, God honouring, Spirit filled expository preaching of the inspired Word of God. We believe in the life changing power of the Word of God applied by The Holy Spirit.
• We are a Church that intends to pursue love and who desire to see the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Christlikeness) cultivated in our lives.
• We are a Church that eagerly desires the spiritual gifts and will seek to honour the Holy Spirit who gives them by ensuring that all such spiritual gifts are expressed only as scripture permits and establishes under the authority of the Pastor/Leadership.
• Each week we seek to simply open Gods word and teach what He has said.
• Each week we also seek to remember Jesus and proclaim his death until he comes again by sharing in the bread and wine as He Himself has commanded we should.