Castlederg Christian Fellowship Logo 2

Our Statement Of Faith

  • The Trinity – There is One God who exists eternally as three co-equal and co-eternal persons, namely The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
  • The Deity of Jesus Christ.
  • The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ.
  • The Inspiration, Authority and Infallibility of the Scriptures.
  • Justification By Faith in Jesus.
  • Salvation by Grace Alone.
  • The Propitiatory and Substitutionary Atonement of Christ – For The Sins of the Whole World.
  • The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • The Visible Physical Glorious Return of Jesus.
  • The Total Depravity of Man and His Inability to save Himself.
  • The Final Judgement of God by Jesus Christ.
  • Heaven for the saved and Hell for the Lost.
  • The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit and the Continuation of His Spiritual Gifts to The Church.
  • The Eternal Security of the Believer.
  • The Autonomy of the Local church and the Priesthood of All Believers.
  • The Great Commission – Our Call and Duty To Evangelise.
  • A Regenerated Church Membership.
  • The Personality of satan.
  • Two Ordinances Only: Believers Baptism by Immersion and The Lord’s Supper.
  • The Traditional Christian Position on Sexual Ethics, Gender and Marriage.
  • The Fall of Man into Sin.
  • Church Discipline.