Through a fear of anything unusual or supernatural we end up flat out disobeying scripture by ignoring many spiritual gifts and by quenching the Holy Spirit,- and so we thereby slip into a weak dead dry formalism.
We forbid speaking in tongues, we despise prophecy, and we quench the Spirit – all things we are forbidden by scripture to do!
We become reliant on our own power and intellect and schemes rather than the power and activity of the Holy Spirit (who will use our intellects and all the other gifts He has given to us as He wills for our upbuilding).
On the other hand, another issue for those who DO seek to use the Spiritual gifts is that they can also be guilty of disobeying scripture by exercising them is a manner forbidden in the same scriptures also and thereby grieving the Holy Spirit.
Below is a comment from Martin Lloyd Jones. Joy Unspeakable.